How to Lose Weight WITHOUT Losing MUSCLE

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Film/Video: James Morano [instagram:]

How do I cut weight without losing any
Such a commonly asked question in the
fitness world
and in this video I want to go over some
tips but make sure that you guys aren’t
making any of these mistakes
so that you can maximize your weight
loss and retain
your muscle.
What’s up my friends welcome back to
another video my name is Tom from
Spartan Home Fitness
I help people get fit, healthy and expand
their minds through spirituality and
Now, let’s talk about this topic today
how do I lose weight
while retaining muscle mass? Right?
Because we could easily make this this
mistake by
yeah, losing weight but also losing lean
body mass too. With body fat we don’t
want to do that.
So how do we maximize our weight loss?
The number one
biggest mistake that I see my clients
make and a lot of people
is starving themselves. Eating fewer than
a thousand calories or like 100-
200 calories a day. Now, you might think
that you’re losing weight
because you’re barely eating and yeah
initially you will lose weight
but what happens after a while is the
body goes into this panic mode,
starvation mode,
And actually everything that you
start eating the body holds onto
for fat just in case we go into
starvation mode and we’re not eating
the body’s got to use some fuel source
right? and all that is
is energy it’s a it’s a source that our
body uses
to burn energy so, what’s going to happen
is you’re going to slow down your
create your body to store fat
from these lower caloric foods that
you’re eating
and we don’t want that we want to
maximize our metabolism right?
So actually eating more, not too much
to where we’re in a caloric surplus but
still in a caloric deficit eating more
will keep our metabolism strengthened
have us burn
fat more efficiently and preserve muscle.
We won’t be burning as much muscle
as we would if we’re eating only 1200
calories a day no matter
what we’re at so don’t starve
yourself that’s key number one do not
starve yourself!
Number two we want to progress slowly
so if i’m eating 2 300 calories a day
a little over my maintenance or around
my maintenance calories
i want to diminish that 100 to 200
every week or two right so we want to
progress slowly.
Slowly build it down to where about a
month or two into it we’re at 1800
calories now right,
so that will help the metabolism adjust
and not cause any shock to the body
right because if we starve ourselves.
We’ll lose
weight initially but we want to make
sure that we’re losing it gradually
slow and steady wins the race a lot of
people want to lose
15 pounds in three weeks but if we lose
a pound or two a week
progressing slowly a pound or two
a week will ensure that our metabolism
is strong enough and boosted to burn
more fat
and keep on that muscle mass. Number
three do not
overdo cardio! Such a big mistake people
make is
they’re trying to lose weight and
they’re on the treadmill
or elliptical or stepper five to six times
a week
over 30 minutes just constantly crushing
it in the gym over and over
while cardio is good for weight loss it
should be used sparingly.
The number one thing for weight loss
that you should be looking out for
is being in a caloric deficit. Your diet
should be doing the talking
the training is secondary to the diet so
you will actually want to do more
resistance training that will help
stimulate your metabolism
and you’ll still be getting that cardio
effect you’ll still be burning calories
while lifting weights but you’ll
actually be firing on your metabolism
All cardio is doing is reducing calories
from your day.
If we’re on the treadmill and we burn
250 calories
we’re just taking 250 calories off our
day which is good
but it’s not going to be the all tail
end to losing weight.
Make sure that we’re doing a couple
times a week cardio
(one to two times a week) but really
emphasizing that caloric
deficit. Another thing I want to add with
is you only burn calories on the machine
after you get off the machine
you’re back to your basic metabolic rate.
The benefit with resistance training
is although we’re burning 250 -300
calories on the spot for that hour per
your metabolism is revved up for the
rest of the day so
you could be on the couch watching tv
and you’re actually
still burning more calories than you
would at your basic metabolic rate
so resistance training is key over
Last but not least doing high
intensity interval
training also known as HITT training. Now,
what HITT training is,
instead of your steady state cardio
where you see a lot of people in the gym
almost like gerbils like just constantly
steady pace for 30 minutes it’s like
they’re going in circles right?
What interval training is high intensity
interval training..